Friday 10 April 2009

The terrorism/immigration 'link'

I was interested to note today the BBC's eagerness to turn the focus of the recent police operations in the north-west over to the immigration 'story', complete with special quotation privileges to MigrationWatch...

Let's assume that they are right this time about the immigration status of the 'suspects' (and they might not turn out to be suspects, or immigrants) even if we paid the sort of attention to processing overseas students (of particular nationalities) which commentators like Andrew Green and newspapers like the Daily Mail might want, would the terrorism threat gently subside? Perhaps all potential terrorists would be safely kept in never-ending visa queues?

It is the sort of simplistic reaction that will inevitably turn into calls for greater immigration restrictions in the next few days, the net result probably being little more than to make a lot of people's lives that bit more difficult...


Just trying this sucker out.